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Maintenance of Hygiene and Cleanliness

  • All residents are required to maintain a high standard of cleanliness in their respective rooms, washrooms, basins, showers, corridors & hostel premises.

  • Don’t throw waste in basin, shower area, inside toilet & on the floor.​

  • Throw the waste in the dustbin properly. If you are not cleaning your own room even after warning, you will be fined.

  • Don't throw anything outside the window. If you are throwing even after warning, you will be fined.

  • Don’t plug heater/electric cattle or high voltage products with extension. Put it directly to the socket.

Prohibition of Alcohol, Intoxicants, Smoking & Wrongdoing

  • The consumption of alcohol, intoxicants, and smoking within the hostel is strictly prohibited.

  • Individuals found in violation of this regulation will face immediate disciplinary measures, including potential expulsion from the hostel. If found guilty the student will be obliged to pay the fine.

  • A fine of $50 will be levied for alcohol consumption, $20 for smoking, $50 for cooking inside room & $20 for taking mess products inside hostel room.

  • The fines for any wrongdoing will range from $20 to $200.

  • If you are arriving late after hostel gate closes, you will be warned 1st & 2nd time, there will be penalty of $20 on the 3rd time.



Respect for Hostel

  • Any damage to the hostel property will be considered a serious offense. Residents found responsible for such damage will be subject to disciplinary measures and an appropriate fine. Pets (cats, dogs, etc.) are not allowed on the hostel premises.

  • It is prohibited to feed or breed animals in the dormitory and its premises.

Hostel Timings and Access Control

  • Depending on the time of year, the dorm will be closed until 10:00 PM. If you plan any activity after 10:00 PM, you must notify the dorm supervisor and obtain written permission. If you are late, you will be subject to disciplinary action and a fine of $20 to $100.



Restricted Appliances and Cooking

  • Cooking in the room is strictly prohibited. If the following items are found in your room, they will be confiscated and you will be fined between $50 and $100.

  • For students who use meal cards, a separate dormitory will be provided where 3 meals a day are provided.

  • For students who do not use meal cards, a separate dormitory will be provided where a separate room for cooking and eating is provided.

Routine Inspections

  • The hostel administration will conduct regular room checks to ensure that the rooms are kept clean and tidy. If a room is not cleaned after a warning, a fine will be imposed on the resident of that room.



Room/Hostel Transfer Protocol / Flat Permission:

  • Protocol for moving from room to room or dormitory to dormitory. You must write an application for moving, agree with the dormitory commandant. Then contact the administration to re-register the place of residence.

  • If you want to move to an apartment, you must collect a package of documents that the administration will request. Such as full payment slip photocopy, passport main page photocopy, affidavit from your home country & application for seeking permission. If you move on your own, you will be fined and also charged for the dormitory.

  • Visiting guests or students from other dormitories stictly with the permission of the commandant. If you have not received permission and bring strangers, a fine will also be imposed.

Responsible Event Management

  • Holding events (birthdays, holidays, etc.) only with the permission of the commandant, after holding the events, the organizers must bring the premises and territory of the hostel into proper order and cleanliness, otherwise a fine will also be imposed for unauthorized holding.



Key responsibilities and obligations at the beginning and end of the academic year

  • During check-in and check-out from the dormitory, the student is obliged to hand over and accept the room (furniture, mattresses, bed linen, blanket, pillow and keys) to the room to the commandant. If you do not do this, you will be fined.

Residing in hostel

  • Residing in hostel is mandatory for 1st, 2nd year students. From the 3rd year onwards you will be able to apply for flat permission according to the notice of the administration. Expelled students are not allowed to stay in the hostel.


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